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Moving the blog

Sorry for no updates the last week. My internet connection has been my biggest enemy the past week, but I think I got it all figured out now.

Anyway, Im moving this blog. Due to complaints from a Norwegian shop with the same name, saying there is a chance of confusion between their store and my blog, I decided not to cause trouble and move this blog. Although I must say the likelihood of confusion in this case is zero.

Anyway, here is the new blog Neo-Culture



I´ve praised 160 grams as the best online magazine, but after stumbling across Sokozine today…Im not that sure anymore.

You can download the magazines in .pdf format here.


R.I.P. Alexander McQueen

British designer Alexander McQueen (1969-2010) was found dead in his home today.

I was never a big fan of McQueen, but he was no doubt one of the braver and most successful designers of our era, being awarded designer of the year no less than four times. His last iconic piece is probably the futuristic alien shoes you see all kinds of celebrities strut around in these days. He will be missed.


The stalker way of using his iphone

Credits to whoever made this ironic “Apple” commercial!

Checkout the all new stalker iphone app! Haha


Onward Space Hologram

Listening to the local radio station in the car today I heard this fresh new electro band from Austin, Texas.

They’re called Jet Horns and released a 7 track EP completely free for you to listen and download here.

My overall vision for Jet Horns is to put the listener in a positive space environment. Pretty simple really, except each song is its own world, with its own set of rules and freedoms.
I saw a purple horse running through space in a dream once. I like to fly in my dreams also. Usually bands perform under me and I have to realize when I wake up that I was actually writing a song. Anyways I would say Onward Space Hologram is a direct representation of my dream projector, focused on an outer space scene including birds, lovers, islands and powdered nutrition. I forgot to mention the fashion. That will likely be in the next release.



Label Under Construction SS10

Available at Atelier N.Y.


Gesture Cube

If last post was about 20th century culture then this post is definitely all about the 21st century culture…hmm or technology…or both maybe.

Anyway this is the Gesture Cube created as a prototype by a German design team.

But you really got check out this video explanation below.

Please please santa! Make those Germans put it in production, and put it under my christmas tree.


20th century style culture

In the 21st century consuming culture is all about an online experience. We read websites instead of magazines and stream movies online. Thats why its sometimes refreshing to go back to the old style of experiencing culture.

Thats what I did yesterday before jumping on the bus to Jönköping.

S Magazine is a Bi-annual publication with a worldwide distribution growing with each issue. It celebrates diversity, decadence and the occasional libido enhancing gadget. It was created by 4 young danish photographers, but has grown to include some of the best photographers and stylists from London, Paris and New York.

20 Fragments of a Ravenous Youth by Xiaolu Guo is a revised version of the author’s (and filmmaker) first novel. Its a story about a young peasant girl who travels to Beijing to experience the modern world.

Female Prisoner Scorpion is the japanese cult trilogy of the female prisoner Scorpion (portrayed by the beautiful Meiko Kaji) from the 70´s. Its a story about revenge which later became a huge inspiration for Tarantinos Kill Bill.


Suicide Circle

Japanese cult film Suicide Circle´s intro scene. The movie continues like this through the whole piece. Decide for yourself if this is your cup of tea =)


160g Feb Issue

160 grams is, as I have mentioned before, one of the best online magazines available. Feb issue is out now.

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